Friday, January 28, 2011

We LOVE letters!

We've received an abundance of letters this week!  HOORAY!

The very first began:

"First, I love my family. Second, I love the MTC!"

It was short and sweet but the overall message she loves us! She also loves her companion and other sisters in her zone. Joy has a tremendously big heart and it's very apparent that her heart is overflowing with love for everyone she is meeting and learning from right now. It's amazing the way we can still feel her love though her letters.

The boys of the family received a letter from Joy today. In it she included a small message to each one, along with a message for all of them. She asked the boys to do these things for her while she is gone:

"1. Say your prayers.
2. Eat your vegetables
3. Bear your testimony
4. Hug Mom and Dad OFTEN!
5. Be kind to each other
6. Laugh everyday!
7. Tell family you love them
8. Make a video to send me
9. Brush your teeth
10. Write me!"

Joy's Preparation Day is on Tuesdays. I'm assuming that day will change once she is in Nashville, but for now it's Tuesday. It's the one day she does laundry, grocery shopping, checks email etc. The other 6 days she spends learning more about the gospel.

-Katie Muir

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