Monday, March 7, 2011


One thing I have learned over the past few weeks is that mission really aren't all fun and games. Joy is learning that first hand now. She and her companion Sister Koford are having a hard time teaching people and even holding up appointments. Here's an excerpt from her letter:

"Though we do not have anyone to teach, Sister Koford and I know, that we have put our whole hearts into this work, and we are not going to stop.  I came here because I was told to come by the Lord.  And I'm staying here because I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  
This week, I have to admit, I wanted to be home.  I didn't want to GO home, just be home, with homeade chocolate chip cookies, and parents who I can actually hug, and brothers to wrestle, a sister to laugh with, watch movies with (and a boyfriend to eat hot wings with and watch football!)
But there's a greater cause.  And no matter how difficult this week has been, I'm here.  I'm here and I'm going to just have to continue pressing forward."

"Family and friends, please pray for the hearts of Murray Kentucky to be open.  Please pray that Sister Koford and I will be safe.  And furthermore--Be obedient.  Do missionary work."

I hope and pray for Joy that the hearts of Murray, Kentucky will be open to her. She brings such a strong amount of light to everyone's lives and she can truly bless those around her.

-Kate Muir